The franchise was conceived by Masahiro Sakurai as a game series for beginners, for which he partially attributes the series' success.

The Kirby series is among the best-selling video game franchises with over twenty million games sold worldwide. The goal of each mode is to collect the most strawberries and grow to the largest size to be declared the winner, using whatever other items or course elements appear along the way to gain an advantage. A special 101st episode was created for the now retired Nintendo Video service, and was not in the anime style of the original 100 episodes. Kirbys Dream Buffet is an action multiplayer game with a core focus on racing and battle modes. A one-hundred episode anime series based on the video games, Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, was created in Japan and formerly distributed by 4Kids TV in North America. Currently, the series contains twenty games. This and other changes in gameplay from traditional platform games distinguish the series from other entries in the genre. A fairly standard party game, Kirbys Dream Buffet is cheery and bright, offering a variety of courses and minigames with the ultimate goal of consuming as many. Have a feast of fun with family and friends in Kirby’s Dream Buffet for the Nintendo Switch family of systems. A common gameplay element is Kirby's ability to copy enemy skills, allowing him to use them to progress through levels. but I wish they would throw in Kirby Fighters 2 and Dream Buffet into the. The series revolves around Kirby, the series' protagonist, and his adventures in the fictional world of Pop Star. Nintendo of America (NintendoAmerica) Kirbys Return to Dream Land Deluxe. Franchise list The most current variant of the Kirby logo, made in 2022